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9 Amazing Foods That Can Grow Your Hair Faster

9 Amazing Foods That Can Grow Your Hair Faster

Many of us know that eating healthy helps improve the health, but many people do not know that they are some food that promotes hair growth.

Fascinatingly, hair growth depends naturally on genes and age, but a healthy scalp grows hairs of 15cm every year and 1.25cm every month.

Poor nutrition is one of the significant factors that cause hair loss, whereas a balanced diet will improve your scalp, helps your hair retain its strands, and gives it a healthy feel and appearance.

Discover the food that can help you grow your hair faster here;

1. Avocados

One of the healthy foods that can help hair growth is avocado. Naturally fortified with potassium, fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and folate, this food enriches the scalp.

Depending on your preference, you can eat avocados alone. Yes, they are pretty tasty and satisfying.

Alternatively, you can prepare them with other items for smoothies, salad, mousse, or popsicles. The point is to enjoy avocado for healthy fats that promote healthy hair.

2. Eggs

Eggs provide biotin and protein, and these two nutrients are essential for healthy hair. It is for this reason that most hair supplements are mostly with biotin and protein.

Biotin produces keratin which is a protein that enhances hair growth and helps in the reduction of dandruff.

Protein generally helps hair follicles, which is why people with hair loss should have a protein deficiency.

Eggs’ beneficial nutrients for healthy hair include phosphorous, choline, lutein, sulfur, selenium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and zinc.

Indeed, there are several ways of enjoying eggs. You can either eat them on salads or make scrambled eggs, toasted eggs, omelets, and more.

3. Beans

A recommendation for the fantastic food that can grow your hair will be incomplete without talking about beans.

Beans contain protein, biotin, zinc, and iron. These nutrients are necessary for the circulation of red blood cells, among other functions that help in maintaining healthy hair.

There are a variety of beans available in the market at a meager cost. All types of beans can be incorporated in many foods depending on your preference.

4. Fatty Fish

There is a wide variety of fatty fish available for consumption, including mackerel, herring, and salmon.

These fishes provide the body with nutrients that promote hair health, making the hair strong. These nutrients include vitamin B, vitamin D3, selenium, and protein.

Fatty fish also contain omega-3 fatty acid, which helps increase hair density and reduce hair loss, improving hair texture.

There are several ways of enjoying fatty fish. You can eat them alone after cooking or make them a part of the ingredients for salads or combine them with eggs.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Another delicious and affordable food that can grow your hair faster is sweet potatoes, and it contains a lot of nutrients that can give your hair a healthy feel and look.

These nutrients include beta carotene, and vitamins A, C, and B6. While vitamin A helps maintain a healthy scalp, vitamin B6 promotes hair growth, and beta carotene is converted to vitamin A when the need arises.

So, if you want thicker, fully, bright, and healthy-looking hair, you should start enjoying sweet potato fries, boiled sweet potatoes, and more.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, pumpkin leaf, and lots more are essential in promoting the hair’s health.

The vegetables mentioned above and more are rich in vitamin A and C, which aid in maintaining a complete hair and scalp.

While vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, building collagen that prevents the hair from breaking, vitamin A produces sebum which oils your scalp, keeping it conditioned.

Green leafy vegetables also contain iron and folate, which help regulate red blood cells, preventing hair loss.

You can enjoy green leafy vegetables like spinach in many ways. 

You can squeeze out the juice, cut them into tiny slices for your soup, make smoothies with them, among other recipes.

7. Nuts

Nuts are rich in protein and zinc, vitamin B, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients. These nutrients make your hair shiny, complete, and strong.

Interestingly, there are many nuts to choose from in the market, no matter the season. These include groundnut (peanut), almonds, walnuts, and so on.

Nuts are generally tasty and can be added to your diet just as you prefer. You can eat them alone as a healthy snack or add them to your smoothies or ice cream toppings, and so on.

8. Meat

A lot of people incorporate meat into their diet because of its many health benefits. Meat is a good source of protein which helps significantly in hair health.

Protein repairs the hair follicles and also speeds up hair growth. Additionally, it provides the body with iron which promotes the red blood cells oxidation process.

Meat generally reduces the risk of hair loss. You can enjoy heart in many ways, including meat steaks, meat pies, soups, and lots of other delicacies.

You have to select from a long list of recipes available and then use the ones that you enjoy at all times.

9. Guavas

Guava is a good source of vitamin C, an essential ingredient in most hair growth products.

Consequently, a lack of vitamin C can make your hair dry, which in turn causes your hair to break.

You can incorporate guava into your diet by eating them raw or combining them with your meals, such as smoothies, salads, and more.

What Kinds of Food Causes Hair Loss?

Just as there are foods that promote hair growth, so are foods that cause hair loss.

Invariably, this means that you should always consider eating right, not just for your body but also for your hair health.

These foods below cause hair loss;

Carbonated Drinks

It is fun to consume carbonated drinks but have you considered their effect on your hair?

Carbonated drinks affect your body by making it irresponsive to sugar after it has intermingled with your blood insulin.

Carbonated drinks can cause hair loss by reducing how blood circulates in your body, thereby causing a lot of sugar to be present in your body.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates taste very significant, but they are detrimental to the hair and cause hair loss.

Refined carbohydrates include but are not limited to pizza, cakes, bread, doughnuts, cookies, and lots more.

They act as a defense to stress, and if you are prone to anxiety, you are at a greater risk of losing your hair by consuming this food because, on consumption, they revolve around sugar.


It has repeatedly been said that we should reduce the amount of sugar we consume, and this is not just important for our well-being, but also the hair’s health.

Too much sugar reduces blood circulation in the body, thereby preventing enough blood from getting to the hair follicle resulting in weak hair. In some cases, too much sugar causes the scalp to be inflamed.


A diet rich in iron, protein, fatty acids, biotin, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, D, and E is essential in your hair health.

Generally, a balanced diet is essential if you want full, shiny, and strong hair. So, whenever you want to eat, and lack any of these nutrients, try reconsidering.

The list of unique foods above can help you treat your loss of hair and also helps in maintaining healthy hair and scalp.

Indeed, most foods are seasonal while others are not, but from the list above and more, there is always food in the market that provides the nutrients to give you a balanced diet.

You have to ensure that every plate of food you consume contains essential nutrients for a healthy body and healthy hair.

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